Saturday, July 26, 2008

Beauty CLeaning

Ok I know what your thinking, makeup lasts forever. Right? WRONG !!!!!
Makeup should be replaced. But how often?
Well here are some possible guidelines:

Up to 2 years, dischard sooner if it has started to change color or becomes clumpy.

1 1/2 to 2 years, or when they begin to dry out.

Mascara: 3 months, simply because you move the wand from eyelashes to tube and back it increases the risk of infection.

2 years, unless it has an odor, color, or texture change then throw out sooner.

Lip and Eye Pencils:
2 years, if it starts to stick then its dried out and needs to go.

3 years, be aware of changes in color, smell, or consistency.

3 months to 1 year, throw out sooner if the scent changes and texture is different.

Sun Block:
1 season, when its time to dischard you'll notice it start to seperate.

6 months to 1 year, they take on a funny smell when time to throw out.

Nail Polish:
6 months to 4 years, the less its exposed to air and sun-light the longer it will last, you can even store it in the refridgerator.

So I hope this guideline will help you

1 comment:

Melody said...

I like the information you are sharing, it's very helpful and educational!!! I love the pictures of the kids!!!!!!!!